A note from a friend about Jim's show at the Bluebird Cafe in Nashville

I hope that each of you is doing well this Spring. Can’t believe it’s been almost ten months since I was last with you under the trees of the Grove, and I’m sure you are all looking forward to being back there this summer.

I wanted to let you know that the spirit of Parsonage was represented well last night here in Nashville! Jim Salestrom and his beautiful wife Pam were in town, and Jim performed at the world famous Bluebird Cafe last night. Lisa and I were honored to be there as Jim’s guests. Jim played several of his songs, and was then joined by young James and Jim’s two brothers, Chuck and Tom who performed several more songs during the 90 minute set.

To say they brought the house down is an understatement! Fantastic singing, amazing guitar playing, and entertaining stories by Jim kept the crowd engaged and energized the entire time, followed by a standing ovation and of course cries from every corner of the room for an Encore (which unfortunately they couldn’t do due to the strict time policy of the Bluebird). But the crowd loved every second of it. And I think Jim was particularly happy because while he’s played with others many times at the Bluebird, last night was the first time he’s ever played there with James and his brothers. So it was an emotional night for him and Pam as well as for the audience. And of course it was very meaningful to me to see Jim perform there. Lisa and I so enjoyed it!

I thought you would enjoy seeing Jim and James in action at the Bluebird, so I’ve attached two photos of Jim and the group.

Thought you should know that the Parsonage Camp’s own musical Artist in Residence was a big hit in Nashville last night!  Best wished to each of you and hope to see you soon!


Jim Salestrom